© Marie-Luise Kolb / LUH

The specialist spectrum of the History Department at the Leibniz University Hannover ranges from antiquity to contemporary history. On a regional level, teachings and research cover European as well as non-European topics. The extensive range of courses qualifies the students not only for a career in research but also prepares them for employment in various professional fields, i.a. as school teachers.

The specialist spectrum of the History Department at the Leibniz University Hannover ranges from antiquity to contemporary history. On a regional level, teachings and research cover European as well as non-European topics. The extensive range of courses qualifies the students not only for a career in research but also prepares them for employment in various professional fields, i.a. as school teachers.


einfach POLITIK: Neuerscheinungen zu Corona

Was sind eigentlich Verschwörungstheorien?

Dieser Frage wird unter dem Titel „Das Coronavirus und Verschwörungstheorien“ im Dossier zum Coronavirus der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung in einfacher Sprache nachgegangen. Ebenso ist dort ein Text zum internationalen Blick auf das Virus erschienen. Beide Texte sind im Rahmen der Praxiskooperation mit der bpb unter der Leitung von Dr. Dorothee Meyer entstanden.