Publikationsliste von Berit Hildebrandt


  • Seide in der Antike. Terminologie – Produktion – Konsumtion – Distribution (German Habilitation, accepted for publication by Steiner Verlag, in preparation, ca. 300 pp.)

  • Damos und Basileus. Überlegungen zu Sozialstrukturen in den Dunklen Jahrhunderten Griechenlands [Damos and Basileus. A Study of Social Structures in Dark Age Greece], München 2007 (= Ph.D. thesis Göttingen 2005), 562 pp., 39 tab.

  • Zur Bedeutung und Funktion der Lekythos im Grabkult im 5. Jh. v. Chr. [Meaning and Function of Lekythoi in Classical Athenian Funerary Cult]. Unpublished M. A. thesis Göttingen 1999 / accessible at the Archaeological Institute at Göttingen University, 195 pp. with additional tables and plates.


Edited Volumes:

  • Ed., with C. Gillis, Silk: Trade and Exchange along the Silk Roads between Rome and China in Antiquity, Ancient Textile Series 29, Oxford, 130 pp.

  • Ed. (with co-editor C. Veit): Der Wert der Dinge. Güter im Prestigediskurs [The Value of Things. Goods in Prestige Discourses], Münchner Studien zur Alten Welt 6, München 2009, 407 pp.


  • The Provenance, Production and Manufacture of Silk in Ancient Greece: A Reassessment, in: Jenny Wallensten – Peder Flemestad – Stella Spantidaki (eds.), Silk in Ancient Greece and its Resonance, Proceedings of a Conference at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 19-22 sep 2019 (in preparation)
  • The Terminology of Silks in Texts of the Roman Empire: Qualities, Origins, Products, and Uses, in: Acta Via Serica, ca. 19 p. (submitted)
  • Vulgäre Imitatoren oder Trendsetter? Antike und moderne Diskurse um den Luxus der Freigelassenen [Vulgar imitators or trendsetters? Ancient and modern discourses about Roman freedmen’s conspicuous consumption], in: Elisabetta Lupi – Jonathan Voges (eds.), Luxus – nur Protz und Prunk? Zur Globalgeschichte des Luxus von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart [Luxury – just show and pomp? A global history of luxury from Antiquity until the present]. Proceedings of a Conference in Hannover, 13.02.-15.02.2020, Stuttgart, (ca. 20 p., submitted).
  • Christian Discourses about Silks in Antiquity, in: Xinru Liu – Pia Brancaccio (eds.), The World of the Silk Road, World Series Routledge (ca. 12 pp. submitted)
  • Roman Silk Trade and Markets, in: Xinru Liu – Pia Brancaccio (eds.), The World of the Silk Road, World Series Routledge (ca. 12 pp. submitted)
  • The possible role of captives and slaves in cultural exchanges between the West and India in the first centuries CE: A case study of textile production and trade, in: Anamika Pathak et al. (eds.), Festschrift for Lotika Varadarajan, New Delhi (submitted and accepted).

  • Von der Gabe zur Entlohnung. Kleidung als kaiserliches Geschenk in Rom, in: B. Wagner-Hasel – M.-L. Nosch (eds.), Gaben, Waren und Tribute: Stoffkreisläufe und antike Textilökonomie, Akten eines Symposiums am 9./10. Juni 2016 in Hannover, Stuttgart 2019, 117-136.

  • with A. Skovmøller, Multi-Sensory Encounters: The Aesthetical Impact of Roman Coloured Statues, in: H. Hunter-Crawley – E. O’Brien (eds.), The Multi-Sensory Image. Proceedings of a Conference on „The Senses and Visual Culture from Antiquity to the Renaissance“, 08.-09.06.2015, University of Bristol, Taylor and Francis 2019, 46-67.

  • with I. Demant, Seamingly customized. Decorative elements on statuary depictions of the toga in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, in: M. Garcia-Sanchez - M. Gleba (eds.), Vetus Textrinum. Textiles in the Ancient World. Studies in Honour of Carmen Alfaro Giner, Barcelona 2018, 197-210.
  • India’s contribution to the wardrobes of the Roman elite and the emperors: Precious fabrics and stones, in: L. Varadarajan (ed.), „Textiles, Collections, Communities, Culture And Trade“, Contributions of a seminar held from 9.-10.01.2016 at the K R Cama Oriental Institute, Mumbai, ca. 19 pp. (in print).

  • with P. Flemestad, M. Harlow and M.-L. Nosch, Observations on the Terminology of Textile Tools in Diocletian’s Edict on Maximum Prices, in: S. Gaspa – C. Michel – M. L. Nosch (eds.), Textile Terminologies from the Orient to the Mediterranean and Europe, 1000 BC to 1000 AD, Lincoln/Nebraska 2017, 256-277.

  • Introduction: Silk on the Silk Roads. Exchange between East and West in Antiquity, in: B. Hildebrandt (ed.), with C. Gillis, Silk. Trade and Exchange along the Silk Roads between Rome and China in Antiquity, Ancient Textile Series 29, Oxford 2017, ix-xxi.

  • Silk production and trade in the Roman Empire, in: B. Hildebrandt (ed.), with C. Gillis, Silk. Trade and Exchange along the Silk Roads between Rome and China in Antiquity, Ancient Textile Series 29, Oxford 2017, 34-50.

  • Das Gewand des Honorius in der Dichtung Claudians, in: H. Harich-Schwarzbauer (ed.), Weben und Gewebe in der Antike. Materialität – Repräsentation – Episteme – Metapoetik, Proceedings of a Workshop held in Basle, August 2012, Oxford 2015, 67-85.

  • Seidenkleidung in der römischen Kaiserzeit [Silk Clothing in Roman Imperial Times] in: M. Tellenbach – R. Schulz – A. Wieczorek (eds.), „Die Macht der Toga. Dresscode im Römischen Weltreich“, Exhibition Catalogue Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, in cooperation with the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen Mannheim, 20.04.-08.09.2013, 58-61.

  • Some Thoughts on the Unravelling of Chinese Silks in the Roman Empire. A Reassessment of Lucan, Bellum Civile 10.141-143, in: I. Tzachili – E. Zimi (eds.), Textiles and Dress in the Roman East: A Technological and Social Approach, Proceedings of the Symposium held at Kalamata / Greece, 18.-19.03.2011, Athens 2012, 107-115.

  • Der Römer neue Kleider. Zur Einführung von Seide im kaiserzeitlichen Rom [The Romans’ New Clothes. The Introduction of Silk Clothing in Roman Imperial Times], in: G. A. Lehmann – D. Engster – A. Nuss (eds.), Von der bronzezeitlichen Geschichte zur modernen Antikenrezeption Vorträge aus dem Sommersemester 2008 und Wintersemester 2008/09. Syngramma. Vorträge aus dem Althistorischen Seminar Bd. 1, Göttingen 2012, 11-53.

  • Seide als Prestigegut in der Antike [Silk as a Prestige Item in Antiquity], in: B. Hildebrandt – C. Veit (eds.), Der Wert der Dinge. Güter im Prestigediskurs, München 2009, 183-239.

  • Einleitung [Introduction], in: B. Hildebrandt – C. Veit (eds.), Der Wert der Dinge. Güter im Prestigediskurs, München 2009, 1-22.


Entries in Compendia:

  • with A. Paetz gen. Schieck, “Seide [Silk], in: Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum (RAC) vol. XXX, Stuttgart 2020, 200-211.
  • Christian Topography, in: S. Whitfield (Hrsg.), Silk Roads: Peoples, Cultures, Landscapes, Thames and Hudson 2019, 30-31 (with further editions in German (WBG), Italian (Einaudi), French (Flammarion), Korean (Cum Libro), Spanish (Art Blume/Naturart), Finnish (Tammi).
  • together with F. N. Schneider and G. Neunert, “Prestigegüter” [Prestige Goods], in: M. Eggert – S. Samida - H. P. Hahn (eds.), Metzler Handbuch Materielle Kultur. Bedeutungen, Konzepte, Disziplinen, Stuttgart - Weimar 2014, 237-240.


Popular Science Articles:


Electronic Publications:



  • Wool on the Silk Road. Research on the Eurasian Wool Textiles of Bronze to Early Iron Age. Proceedings of a Symposium in Hang Zhou, China, April 8 to 11, 2013, in: Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 55, 2013, 121-124.



  • Review of: J. B. Meister, Der Körper des Princeps. Zur Problematik eines monarchischen Körpers ohne Monarchie. Historia Einzelschriften 223, Stuttgart 2012. in: Museum Helveticum 71, 2014, 242-243.


Publications in the Field of Heritage Learning: